May 17Liked by Jonathan Odell

Beautifully said, Johnny--but still tough to take.

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Thanks, Mary Lois. I feel like I'm betraying my tribe by publishing it.

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May 17Liked by Jonathan Odell

Just declaring your independence--as you have been all the years I've known you! (Who knows what the tribe thinks?)

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May 17Liked by Jonathan Odell

THIS IS BRILLIANT! Thank you for the clarity and view through another lens.

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Thank you, Kelli! I greatly respect your take on things, so that's a real compliment.

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Thanks, Kevin. And thank y0u for leaving a comment! I think you are right. It’s the subtle stuff that is the most insidious and the hardest to confront and own up to. Because don’t we all “mean well?”

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Jon, this is brilliant and resonates with some of my own experience. For instance, back in the day, working with core team of executives, I co-designed Honeywell’s Worldwide Diversity program. At that time the focus was on “sensitizing” management across the organization to people’s differences. Our research showed this was, in fact, unintentionally reinforcing biases. We designed a new approach built on seeing everyone as unique individuals, “We are all diverse,” which then lead to seeing our common humanity. All of which you did so lovingly with that young lady at the event.

In the same spirit, Trabian Shorters currently does some breakthrough work of his own on what he calls Asset Framing, focusing not on people’s disadvantages but on their assets. It’s powerful stuff.

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As a person raised in rural Arkansas boy (I am 75) this essay aroused some powerful feelings. Thank you for this awakening. I also wonder what would have been the reaction if the speaker had taken the path you imply?

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And thank you so much for the paid subscription. That is so very generous of you!

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May 17Liked by Jonathan Odell

words may liberate but they are not created for free... ;)

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Spoken like a true artist.

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May 17·edited May 17Author

I have noticed that many whites are less threatened by Black Pain than by Black Power.

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Thank you, Jeffrey. I have often wondered the same thing.

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